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Brazilian Zouk Dance Council
+1 5622745476
PO Box 2406, Fortitude Valley BC, QLD 4006
Board of Directors
Champions Criteria
Registered Judges
Online Judges Training
Registered BZDC Jack and Jill Deejays
How to Register
World Calendar
Event Registration Requirement
Conflict of Interest
Relative Placement Scoring System
Relative Placement Scoring System (Chinese)
Event Requirement Form
Event Scoring (organisers)
Event Registration
Competitors Rules, Policies and Guidelines
Clarification re: the use of props and shoes in BZDC competitions.
Rules, policies, guidance for competitors (Russian)
Competitors rule, policies and guidance (Chinese)
Petition Form
Permanent Petition Application
Judging criteria
Judging Criteria (Chinese)
Points registry guidelines
Points registry guidelines (Chinese)
Code of Conduct for the Brazilian Zouk Community and Competitions worldwide
Dance education
Brazilian Zouk and Lambada Artists Availability
History of Brazilian Zouk
Identifying the Brazilian Zouk Rhythm
Understanding different phases and music interpretation
Brazilian Zouk online classes
Brazilian Zouk teachers training program
Tips for social dancing/Dicas na dança social
Improving your social dancing experience
Quality over quantity
Sensuality over sexuality
Results and world calendar
Board of Directors
Champions Criteria
Registered Judges
Online Judges Training
Registered BZDC Jack and Jill Deejays
How to Register
World Calendar
Event Registration Requirement
Conflict of Interest
Relative Placement Scoring System
Relative Placement Scoring System (Chinese)
Event Requirement Form
Event Scoring (organisers)
Event Registration
Competitors Rules, Policies and Guidelines
Clarification re: the use of props and shoes in BZDC competitions.
Rules, policies, guidance for competitors (Russian)
Competitors rule, policies and guidance (Chinese)
Petition Form
Permanent Petition Application
Judging criteria
Judging Criteria (Chinese)
Points registry guidelines
Points registry guidelines (Chinese)
Code of Conduct for the Brazilian Zouk Community and Competitions worldwide
Dance education
Brazilian Zouk and Lambada Artists Availability
History of Brazilian Zouk
Identifying the Brazilian Zouk Rhythm
Understanding different phases and music interpretation
Brazilian Zouk online classes
Brazilian Zouk teachers training program
Tips for social dancing/Dicas na dança social
Improving your social dancing experience
Quality over quantity
Sensuality over sexuality
Results and world calendar
Event Requirement Form
You are here:
Event Requirement Form
BZDC - Event Requirement Form
Event name / Nome do evento
Event dates / Data do Evento
City and Country / Cidade e Pais
Event coordinator What's App number/ Coordenador do evento What's App
Event email / Email
Event website / website
1 - Have you ever run a Jack and Jill competition before? If yes, provide details. / Você ja organizou alguma competição de Jack and Jill antes? Se sim, qual o evento e a data?
2 - What is your plan for Jack and Jill registration and bib distribution? / Você ja sabe como vai ser o registro dos competidores e a distribuição dos números das costas? (BIB)
3 - What is your knowledge of BZDC competitions? Have you ever attended, competed, or assisted with such a competition? / Você tem algum conhecimento sobre as competiçōes de Jack e Jill? Ja participou como competidor, ou ajudou a organizar alguma competição antes?
4 - How many staff have you allocated to assist with running the Jack and Jill? /Quantas pessoas você terá para ajudar na organização das competiçoes?
5 - Who will be scoring your competitions using the official Danceplace software? /Tem alguma pessoa ja treinada para fazer a pontuação das competições usando o sistema oficial do DancePlace?
6 - Who will be your competition manager(s)? What is their experience running BZDC competitions? /Quem vai ser o organizador geral das competiçoes e qual a sua experiencia fazendo competiçoes oficiais de Jack e Jill?
7 - Who will be your competition MC? /Quem vai ser o MC das competiçoes?
8 - Who will be DJing your competitions? /Quem vai ser o DJ de cada nível?
9 - Who will be your judges for preliminaries, semi-finals, and finals? (include head judge, preliminary/semi-final round judges [min 3 per role], and finals judges [minimum 5 plus head judge]. /Quem serão os jurados incluindo o jurado geral? (mínimo de 6 jurados nas preliminarias mais jurado geral)
10 - How much time have you allotted for each round of each competition? (include preliminaries, semi-finals, and final rounds). Will you run finals as a heated or spotlight division? /Quanto tempo você tem para a competição de Jack e Jill, incluindo preliminárias, semi-finais e finais de cada nível? (Recomendamos mínimo de 5 horas divididos em 2 ou 3 dias)
11 - How many attendees do you anticipate in each division? /Quantos competidores você tera mais ou menos?
12 - Is there any other BZDC event within 1 month and 700 kilometers of your event? / Existe alguma outra competição de Jack e Jill com um mês ou 700 km de distância do seu evento?
13 - What budget have you set aside to pay your judges and competition staff? /Qual o valor que você separou para poder pagar o staff da competição de Jack e Jill?
Have you read and agreed with the Terms and Conditions below? | Portugues a baixo.
It is a condition of purchase that you have read and agree to the
registered event requirements
Voce leu e aceita os termos e condições a baixo?
It is a condition of purchase that you have read and agree to the
registered event requirements
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